How to Run an Effective Social Media Campaign

Here are three suggestions that can help you create and run an effective social media campaign.

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As the world of social media grows, it’s becoming more competitive and complicated. Navigating this jungle as a small business owner isn’t easy, but it is possible. Here are three suggestions that can help you create and run an effective social media campaign.


Create a Content Calendar

In order to be effective, your social media campaign strategy needs to involve a content calendar: a publishing schedule for your social media content. A content calendar will help you organize your marketing campaign and enable you to consistently post relevant, quality content.

You’ll be more productive and efficient in your campaign if you have a set schedule to follow.

While making your content calendar, make sure to plan a good variety of content types. Video is by far the most popular form of content, with 54 percent of customers preferring it. However, video is not the only type of content you should be using. You should also consider blog posts, infographics, articles, and images.



Use Social Media Tools

Use the tools available to you on social media to make your campaign more effective. Using some great free dash software in particular is helpful. A social media dashboard is a reporting tool that can help you track viewer engagement with your content across various media platforms, all through a single interface. If that sounds like too much for you, consider hiring a SaaS marketing agency to help out.

Using a tool or a marketing agency will help you analyze the success of your content and help you know what is and isn’t working. Managing your social media videos campaigns through tools such as dashboards will also make your marketing life much easier. If you’re tiktok’er, click here to learn about how to get more views on tiktok.



Set Clear Goals

Clear goals are essential for any effective social media marketing campaign. Defining your objectives in detail will provide you with the needed direction and momentum to get your campaign off the ground.

Start by taking an audit of your current social media approach. What is going well, and what isn’t?

Are customers engaging with your content? Are you gaining new followers? Answering these questions can help you get an idea of where you want to be at the end of your social media campaign.

After you set your goals, remember to periodically stop and reflect on your success. This will help you make necessary course corrections and achieve your marketing goal.



Next Steps

Creating a content calendar, using the right social media tools, and setting clear goals are three important strategies you can use to start an effective social media campaign. These ideas will help you get organized and get going in a successful direction for your business.

We can help you to run a successful social media campaign so you can reach your goals with your business. Schedule a call with us to get started!

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About the Author:

Greg Goodman

As a therapist business coach, web designer, copywriter, and marketing expert, Greg has been helping mental health professionals get a steady stream of clients they love since 2006.

In his career, Greg has helped everyone from associates to established solo partners, group practices, and beyond. He even had a 6-year stint as the head of a large mental health clinic in San Francisco where he kept 43 caseloads full.

In addition to his work helping therapists, Greg is a passionate photographic storyteller, traveler, husband, father, and human being dedicated to personal growth and making the world a better place.

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