30 Free Photos For Your Therapy Website … (and how choose more)

Choosing photos for your therapy website is an art form. Learn how the pros do it ... and get 30 free photos.

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Choosing the perfect photos for your therapy website is an art form.

We all know the old adage – that a picture says 1,000 words. This means each image you choose for your therapist website tells an entire story to a potential client.

Yet, so many therapists fall into the same old trap and fill their websites with photos of zen rocks, water droplets, trees, sand gardens, and other cliched imagery.

Dos and Don'ts for therapist website stock photography

These are not the therapist website photos you’re looking for.

While these stereotypical images do a great job of demonstrating a calm and relaxing environment, they are missing out on the opportunity to do so much more. Every therapist website photo has the chance to:

  • Make a personal connection with your dream client
  • Tell them a bit about yourself
  • Show them that you “get them”
  • Demonstrate that you’re here to help

So how do you find the perfect photos for therapy website design? Let’s find out.

What photos will attract your dream therapy client?

The first step is to identify your dream client. Think about their age, gender, sociological background, hopes, dreams, habits, hobbies, and more. Really get to know this person, then ask yourself:

  • What style of images would most resonate with them?
  • Does this person like bright colors?
  • What about a more subdued palette?
  • Are they most attracted to black and white images?

»» learn how to identify your dream client

If you’re wondering how you could possibly know, play a game and pretend that you are them. What sort of photos would be featured in their favorite magazine? Are their favorite TV shows action-oriented, bold and vibrant – or do they prefer the news or documentaries? The more real you make your dream client, the more you understand what they are attracted to in photography.

A montage of free therapist stock photos

How do you find free photos for therapy websites?

Next, it’s time to start looking at stock photography. And don’t worry – there are plenty of free sites out there that offer a wide variety of diverse models in real-life scenarios. It’s easy to avoid “cheesy stock photos” … if you know where to look. If you want to use old film photos in your website, you may use the services from companies like https://everpresent.com/photo-film-digital/35mm-slide-scanning-service/ to convert them into digital copies that you can embed in your website design.

While browsing through stock photography, keep your dream client in mind and ask yourself these questions:

  • What does this photo say to me?
  • Is this photo a representation of me?
  • What emotion is this photo evoking?
  • How does this photo relate to the issue or service I’m reading about?

In general, the most powerful photos feature a person (or people) and demonstrate some sort of action or emotion. They are calming images that don’t have much going on. Keep in mind, the photography on your therapist website is meant to complement your words – not overshadow them. So try and stay away from busy photos with multiple focal points.

»» Here’s an article with links to my favorite free sites

Sarah Wescott Therapy Website Homepage
You can’t miss this therapist stock photo’s focal point

Free Therapist Stock Photos

To get you started using the best photos for your therapy website design, I have assembled 30 amazing photos for your therapist website … assuming they are a good fit for your dream client, of course.

Each photo has a Creative Commons license, which means you can use them as you see fit.

If you wind up using any of these photos on your website, please reach out and share the link. I would love to see how they fit in with your site and how they speak to your dream client.

Got Questions?

Ask me anything about this article … or, reach out to see how I can help you get a steady, predictable stream of therapy clients you love with less effort and stress.

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About the Author:

Greg Goodman

As a therapist business coach, web designer, copywriter, and marketing expert, Greg has been helping mental health professionals get a steady stream of clients they love since 2006.

In his career, Greg has helped everyone from associates to established solo partners, group practices, and beyond. He even had a 6-year stint as the head of a large mental health clinic in San Francisco where he kept 43 caseloads full.

In addition to his work helping therapists, Greg is a passionate photographic storyteller, traveler, husband, father, and human being dedicated to personal growth and making the world a better place.

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